I’ve come to learn some people don’t start in business (or other new venture) because they don’t want to be seen as a beginner.
They’re used to being comfortable or advanced/successful in what they do.
Learning something new is always awkward at first & the fear of what others will think while watching the early stumbles, is paralyzing for many.
The ONLY way I know to break free from that is to decide your purpose is bigger than your fear of judgement.
THREE SIMPLE RULES IN LIFE: 1. If you don’t go after what you want you’ll NEVER HAVE IT 2. If you don’t ask the answer will ALWAYS be NO💁🏼 3. If you don’t step FORWARD you will ALWAYS be in the same place💯 . . . Summer is ALMOST HERE!!
Project looking for new coaches starts this week 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻