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Exciting Changes & Staying Connected!

Hey there, beautiful souls!

I wanted to take a moment to share some important updates regarding a tiny piece of my coaching journey and the recent changes happening with Beachbody, now known as BODi. If you’ve been following along, you know how much I love sharing everything that helps you become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself, and this update is no different! I only partnered with THE SUPPLEMENTS to offer the highest and best graded nutrition that I could offer to you because you all would ask "what to eat, drink, take, etc to lose weight, gain muscle, stay healthy".... so in 2017 I started with a skinny shake as I called it - I shared it with you and it's been a huge part of my WEIGHT MGMT & NOT GETTING SICK JOURNEY for all these years - the company that I was aligned with changed to a public traded company and just restructured their partners to affiliates - this honestly does not effect you at all. HOWEVER, I WANTED TO GIVE YOU THE NEWS.

In this post, I’ll dive into what these changes mean for you, how I’ll continue to support your fitness and wellness journey thru all of the other avenues that I always do - as your Certified nutritionist, fitness trainer and life coach, While their structure is shifting a bit, my commitment to YOU remains stronger than ever! Again, these supplements are only part of our puzzle!

Attached below, you'll find a personal email that outlines everything you need to know about the transition. Be sure to subscribe to my personal site(s) and newsletter and stay in the loop when shifts happen, because exciting things are on the way!



I hope this email finds you well! I wanted to take a moment to update you on some exciting changes happening with Beachbody – now called BODi. As your coach, I want to reassure you that I will always be here for you, no matter what. However, the business structure for supplements we all use and love is changing, and there are a few things you should know.

If you’re on auto-ship for your favorite superfoods shake, Energize, fiber, or whatever supplement you’ve come to love, my current Coach ID (#1502854) will remain valid until November. After that, I’ll have a new affiliate link for you to use. Please note that you will not automatically roll over to my new customer/client base with BODi. I would hate to lose touch with you, so I’ll be reaching out again with my new affiliate link as soon as it’s available.

Even though the company is shifting, nothing changes for you in terms of your supplement subscriptions or the amazing at-home workouts in the Fit-Flix library. The only adjustment will be the transfer from my old Coach ID to my new affiliate link (which I’ll send to you on November 1st).

I am beyond blessed to continue coaching you through your fitness journey. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out! Also, to stay in the loop on all things fitness and wellness, please subscribe to my personal website so you don’t miss out on any updates!

While things may be changing on the back end, I still stand by the quality of these supplements and the support they provide for your goals. I also want to remind you that I'm now partnered with for top-notch supplements with the best ingredients and a more affordable price point. That said, Shakeology aka my skinny shakes at -

remains a gold standard in my book, and I’m proud to support it as always.

Looking forward to staying connected and continuing this journey with you!

With gratitude and health,

Heather Newman

P.S. – Keep an eye out for more info about the affiliate link. I’ll send it your way as soon as it’s ready! 💪✨



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