Hey friend, today I am just popping in to give you a SUPER HOT CHOCOLATE RECIPE that is made with the best / cleanest/ hard working protein powder I've picked for myself, my family and I USE!!
First, I wanted to invite you to our NEW CHALLENGE this month if you are trying to #getunstuck and move from Stuck to Sparkle!! We start with HABITS and TRY TO FIGURE OUT what path is right for you - we are all on different journey's so I do take time to start you on the right path in the right direction and you GROW FROM THERE.
You can check out the VIP MONTHLY CHALLENGE for this month - we are Unleashing Our Inner Super Power
You can download this months FREE PUMP RESOURCE HERE

Heat almond milk and water in a small saucepan over medium-high heat until just boiling. Remove from heat.
Add CHOCOLATE POWDER and marshmallow extract; whisk until well mixed and frothy.
Serve immediately.