Hey everyone! Here we have included all the details of the TONE N 10 November Challenge for our members. Our OCTOBER Challenge entries were incredible (see the winner & runners up coming soon to our blog),
We believe in a LIVE-ABLE LIFESTYLE that doesn't require challenges every single month and we thought OCTOBER WOULD BE THE LAST CHALLENGE OF 2020 but we had so many ask for one - we decided to make this one a CASH PRIZE!!!
WHO DOESN'T LOVE having the chance to win some good prizes???
So let’s dive into some Q&A’s about the TONEN10.COM November Fitness Challenge
Will the November Challenge cost any money to enter?
There is a tiny "skin in the game" $5 fee to enter the November Challenge, but you do have to be an active VIP TONE ONLINE STUDIO member from November 1 – November 30. Monthly VIP membership is $9.99 and you can join at https://www.tonen10.com/plans-pricing
If you have let your previous membership expire and need to
get reactivated, you can do so by adding a subscription to your profile HERE.
Our website has tons of information if you have questions about the program including About Us, FAQ, Billing and other Blog Posts!
We are asking that all TONEN10.COM members who are signing up to participate in the challenge post this image below on any of their social media platforms – instagram (feed or story post), facebook (new feed post or story), or twitter. You may think this is just a marketing scheme for TONE, but really it’s even more accountability for YOU to stick to the challenge.
Whenever I publicly tell someone I’m going to do something, I’m much more likely to stay committed and follow through! I really want everyone who does the ToneN10.com program as well as this challenge to feel their best in their upcoming NEW YEAR Body!

What Content Will I Have To Submit? And Where?
We have created a NOVEMBER CHALLENGE GROUP within our MEMBERS ONLY forum.
Within that topic there are 3 threads.
One is titled “Submit Your Before Content”, another is “November Challenge Discussion” allowing our members to communicate throughout the challenge, and the last one is “Submit Your After Content”.
Only TONE members will be able to see your uploads to our forum, however if you’re not comfortable posting in the forum (or if you have any problems posting on the forum) then you can email your content to HeatherNewmanFitness@gmail.com. It’s easier to upload media to our forum from a desktop than a phone!
Before Content: You will need to take a beginning photo of the front, side and back view on either October 31, November 1 or November 2.
In order for you submission to count, there must be a current newspaper taped on the wall behind you with the current date (or hold up your cellphone with the current date.) Only TONE Members will be able to see this content. No pictures or videos will be posted or shown publicly unless you ask us to. Even the winners identity will remain hidden and anonymous unless she chooses differently.
After Content: You will need to take a beginning photo of the front, side and back view on either November 30 or December 1. (If you take your pics on December 1, your photo must show proof it’s December 1).
In order for you submission to count, there must be a current newspaper taped on the wall behind you with the current date (or hold up your cellphone with the current date.) Only TONE private Members will be able to see this content. No pictures or videos will be posted or shown publicly unless you ask us to. Even the winners identity will remain hidden and anonymous unless she chooses differently.
As far as the essay goes, you need to turn in 500 words or less at the end of the month of November explaining how you feel the November TONE FITness challenge helped you reach your goals. This includes non scale victories, mental clarity, gaining emotional strength and confidence, etc.
What Can I Win? The Grand Prize Winner Will Get to Select One of the Following…
1. A full body massage for you to the spa of your choice. $100 price limit.
2. $100 Paypal Cash – Because who wouldn’t want extra money to spend for the upcoming Holidays!?
3. One Year Free Membership to the TONE ONLINE STUDIO! (Over a $250 value!!!)
How will the winner be chosen?
The winner will be chosen by myself (Heather) and a Texas Certified professional Health & Wellness Coach and student of holistic nutrition of the TONEN10.COM Program.
We are not focusing only on one thing such as most weight lost, biggest drop in percent body fat, most inches lost, or the most lean muscle mass gained. We will actually be looking for the best OVERALL winner. The winner will combine multiple benefits of the ToneN10.com Programs: fat loss, lean muscle mass, inches lost, confidence gained, as well as becoming mentally and physically stronger.
Both of us will evaluate the before and after pictures and any videos provided as well as the final essay written.
Recording your weight and percent body fat at the beginning and the end of the month can also be turned in, but it is not a requirement. [you can use places like Nutri-Shop to get your BF measured-or ask your Dr.]
Where Can I Do the Challenge?
Anywhere you want, really!
The TONE PROGRAM has both gym and home workouts so there’s really no excuse as to why you can’t participate.
Participants can choose from any of our current programs found in your online library or follow the specific program designed for this series by Heather:
How Long Will the Challenge Run?
For the Month of November! However HURRICANE ZETA has pushed us back just a bit......WE START NOVEMBER 9TH!!! November 9-30. You will submit your entry on October 31, November 1 or November 2 and your final photos and essay on November 30 or December 1! The winner will be announced on Thursday December 5.
Additional FAQ’s:
FAQ’s: 1. What program should I be doing?
You can do THE SPECIFIED TONE N 10 NOVEMBER WORKOUT CALENDAR and follow each workout exactly as the calendar states OR you can choose a BOD program 21DF, 21DFE, or L4 [discuss this option with Heather first]
2. Should I be working out differently?
We encourage all challenge participants not to skip any workouts for the month of November for the best chances of winning. The more consistent you are, the better your results will be.
3. Do I need to change my diet?
We do suggest updating your nutritional overview [we will go over this] to update based upon your personal goals for the month of November. We do not want any members going to ANY unhealthy extremes, and do not encourage ANYONE to intake less than 1200 calories a day.
4. Will the November Challenge Cost any money to enter?
No! not really!
If you are already a TONE VIP MEMBER, it's $5 SKIN IN THE GAME [that's nothing other than for you to be held accountable...you have the chance to win that back].....
You must be a paying TONE Member from November 1-30 to be in the running for the November Challenge. If you need to add or reactive a subscription to your profile, please do so HERE. OR if you do not want to be a monthly member there is a $49 entry fee that gets you full access to everything for the entire challenge and the chance to double your money if you WIN THE GRAND PRIZE!!! CLICK HERE TO BE A GUEST CHALLENGER
If you have any additional questions, feel free to ask them below so we can answer you!

♡ BECOME A TONE-BABE by joining the Online Studio and gain ALL ACCESS to everything behind the scenes to help you start making workouts a part of your daily routine in just :10 simple minutes a day. I took all the guess work out for you to make it simple & effective to get TONE in 10 minutes a day.
https://www.tonen10.com/ To be entered for the BOOTY BANDS giveaway this month be sure to subscribe and be the most engaged on my YOUTUBE channel and Instagram. Bonus points for leaving a review on my podcast on Itunes!
♡ The TONE Fitness Collection www.ToneN10.com/boutique
♡ PRODUCTS MENTIONED All My Favs Mentioned : https://www.liketoknow.it/HeatherNewman
♡ SHOP MY FAV THINGS , ANTI-AGING, BEAUTY & FASHION FINDS All Current Obsessions : https://www.liketoknow.it/HeatherNewman
♡ SHOP MY CURRENT AMAZON OBSESSIONS: https://www.amazon.com/shop/heathernewman
♡ FOLLOW ME OVER HERE @GlitterU on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/GlitterU
Follow @GlitterU on Instagram for all "WHAT I'M WEARING" links to shop
and Follow @HeatherNewmanFitness on Instagram for all the updates on Fitness & other Merch https://www.instagram.com/GlitterU
Listen to the Podcast : On Itunes & Spotify at #getUnstuck with Heather Newman OR click here: https://heathernewman.podbean.com
Youtube Channel : Heather Newman Fitness
Email Me : HeatherNewmanFitness@gmail.com
Main Website : https://www.GlitterU.com
Pinterest : https://www.pinterest.com/glitteru