FINAL CALL for a TONE-UP!! Get your name in the hat!!
We are giving away A GRAND PRIZE this month!! It's CASH and who couldn't use CASH this time of year with the HOLIDAYS right around the corner? Time for call! Applications and full details can be found at GlitterU.com/blog ! You have until this Friday, Nov 6 to get your application submitted!
Get your name in the hat or request more info by clicking here: https://bit.ly/3efqUzI

♡ BECOME A TONE-BABE by joining the Online Studio and gain ALL ACCESS to everything behind the scenes to help you start making workouts a part of your daily routine in just :10 simple minutes a day. I took all the guess work out for you to make it simple & effective to get TONE in 10 minutes a day.
https://www.tonen10.com/ To be entered for the BOOTY BANDS giveaway this month be sure to subscribe and be the most engaged on my YOUTUBE channel and Instagram. Bonus points for leaving a review on my podcast on Itunes!
♡ The TONE Fitness Collection www.ToneN10.com/boutique
♡ PRODUCTS MENTIONED All My Favs Mentioned : https://www.liketoknow.it/HeatherNewman
♡ SHOP MY FAV THINGS , ANTI-AGING, BEAUTY & FASHION FINDS All Current Obsessions : https://www.liketoknow.it/HeatherNewman
♡ SHOP MY CURRENT AMAZON OBSESSIONS: https://www.amazon.com/shop/heathernewman
♡ FOLLOW ME OVER HERE @GlitterU on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/GlitterU
Follow @GlitterU on Instagram for all "WHAT I'M WEARING" links to shop
and Follow @HeatherNewmanFitness on Instagram for all the updates on Fitness & other Merch https://www.instagram.com/GlitterU
Listen to the Podcast : On Itunes & Spotify at #getUnstuck with Heather Newman OR click here: https://heathernewman.podbean.com
Youtube Channel : Heather Newman Fitness
Email Me : HeatherNewmanFitness@gmail.com
Main Website : https://www.GlitterU.com
Pinterest : https://www.pinterest.com/glitteru