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WORKOUT WEDNESDAYS: CHOOSE YOURSELF IN OCTOBER! join me this week live from your laptop at noon!


Happy Monday!

Don't you love the nice weather, coziness of FALL and the soothing calm of finding our routine again, sorta right!

The smell of fall pumpkin waffle candles and beautiful orange & rust colors...

I love all of it and although I am continually surprised at how fast time is passing!

This month I am staying committed to my TONE-BABES in the Tone Online Studio, my Barre-Babes online and at the gym and my Sugar-Babes who continue to encourage me and inspire other with their focus on NUTRITION.....but i've also launched a new LIVE CLASS WORKOUT WEDNESDAY every Wednesday this month! We'll see how it goes if I continue into Nov & Dec....... but today I encourage you to say YES to your goals, your dreams and your vision for the life you want to create. Grab your VENMO and let's workout together this Wednesday!

If you don't say yes to you, to your life on purpose with direction, one else will either.

Your belief in YOURSELF matters most!

Honestly, 2020 has really thrown us all some major curve balls, including OUR FAMILY with my husband's WORK BECOMING non existent in the HOTEL & travel INDUSTRY! We thought it might be a few months but UM, WELL HERE WE ARE MONTH 8+

This strange combination of decision fatigue and uncertainty and wanting something more and different and better in all ways....

It's my GUYS (sons) that motivate me the most. They keep me moving forward everyday.

They are my reason for saying yes to my goals and dreams, saying yes to fitness and to life, to constantly work toward figuring things out in some way that helps them and others.

They are my reason for being on a constant journey of growth and seeking out other women who are on that path too.

My heart literally hurts at the thought of what our life would look like without the DE-STRESS -ALIZER of fitness. That's not really a word but I make up my own words often....

Tap into movement, nutrition and community with us. Let me take the guesswork out of all of this for you and just join us ---there are so many options, i've tried really hard to make FITNESS each access FOR ANYONE at any age, anywhere in the world!!



This is simple, but so often overlooked due to our auto pilot programming of "I WANT RESULTS NOW!!"

TO MAKE ANY SORT OF CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE, it has to be a change that you can sustain. That is how it becomes a lifestyle.

So start small.

What is one thing you can change this week?

Get up 30 minutes earlier?

Even 15?

Maybe just 5?

SOMETHING is always better than nothing....meditate for 10 minutes each morning?

Write in your journal?

Spend time with GOD.

Listen to my #getUnstuck Podcast for tips to help you get started......

Whatever it is, do that one thing each day all week.

Then next week, add another new habit that will serve you in hitting your goals for a healthy life.

Over time you create a sustainable healthy lifestyle that supports all the things you truly desire.

If I can find a way, I know you can too!


So here is what we've kicked off NEW THIS MONTH.....besides the 30 DAY TONE UP CHALLENGE


PS- Don't forget to order your BOOTYBANDs to increase your workout challenge and sculpt that booty with a little more burn. These are made from the BEST QUALITY material we could find and they feel like lululemon fabric !!! I'm so excited and pleased with these HANDMADE CUSTOM BANDS - they are going fast. WE have the light pink in stock now and the lavender & neon pink are available for pre-order.

Available in our BOUTIQUE



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